Area around the Biosphere Reserve

Selva el Ocote (Chiapas)

chiapasMexico - Area around the Selva el Ocote Biosphere Reserve (Chiapas)

Location of the study area in the north-western part of the State of Chiapas, where the Selva el Ocote Biosphere Reserve is situated. Taken from: Mas, J.F., Flamenco Sandoval, A. 2011. Modelling of land use and cover change in a tropical region of Mexico. Geo Trópico (Accepted for the NS-9).
cob_1986Composition in false colour of a LANDSAT TM image (RGB 4, 7, 5) taken in March 1986. The plant cover in the study area is highlighted in various shades of red.
cob_2000Study area in March 2000.

Composition in false colour of a LANDSAT ETM+ image (RGB 4, 7, 5) taken in March 2000. The plant cover in the study area is highlighted in various shades of red.
cob_2008Composition in false colour of a mosaic of LANDSAT ETM+ images (RGB 4, 7, 5) taken in March 2008. The plant cover in the study area is highlighted in various shades of red.
FOTO_oote97-05Farming/grazing frontier in the Selva el Ocete

Advance of the farming/grazing frontier in the Selva el Ocete
FOTO_oote97-08Selva el Ocete is located in a landscape in which there are patches with different successional stages of forest vegetation and with different land uses.
FOTO_oote97-10Forested massifs in Selva el Ocete

The abrupt relief and the Karstic conditions of the subsoil in the Selva el Ocete region have enabled the conservation of important massifs of forest.
FOTO_oote97-34Motorway from Chiapas to Ocozocoautla

The building of the Motorway from Chiapas to Ocozocoautla led to a significant change in land use in the region.